
 Force places and cult places in  SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN in GERMANY

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Ahrensburg Stellmoor:
Sacrificing oak:
Briefly before Ahrensburg is one of the most interesting find areas of Northern Europe. Finalice-age Renjäger arrived before approximately 14000 years in this tunnel valley and settled during 3 month summer hunt. Here they deposited their Votivgaben in the sacrificing oaks. Ten thousands of annuitant bones were sunk as Weihegaben and some of female 2 years old ren as offering animals, weighted with stones, to the water here were handed over. 2.11 m a high cult stake, bekrönt with a head of a 13jährigen Renweibchens, was at the edge of the victim pond.
Description of way: B75 Hamburg direction Ahrensburg - bend > with the property placing moorland R in road “brown deer” direction “at the Hagen” - > after both sides extends the Ahrensburg/Meiendorfer tunnel valley - > in the pond before the hill, Alfred Rust found the Opfertiere and the Renschädel Kultpfahl to the stock pile of the hunters. The area belonged to the property placing moorland, on the fields exists collecting prohibition.

Braak with Eutin:
Pair of Gods, fire victim place:
2500 years old - probably original upright standing - stake Gods are to be found here. Because of the stressed sex characteristics (the times with the hatchet were reduced later) - the 2.80 m and 2.30 m high wood figures are regarded as fertility divinities. They were made of oak branches. Face courses, Haartracht and sex characteristics of a woman and a man are clearly recognizable. They were found next to each other lying in the peat of the Aukamper of moorland with Braak. Today they stand in the Nydamhalle of the archaeological federal state museum in the Schleswiger lock Gottorf.
far away for 60 m was a fire victim place, which was surrounded by a water ditch probably. Also the worked on found beside the victim altar, 1.78 m long forked stick is interpreted as stake God. A primitive forerunner of the later Germanic pair of Gods.
It is assumed that it concerns with the Aukamper moorland one - during longer period than central victim place and center of religious actions - place.
Description of way: B432 Hamburg bath Segeberg direction Scharbeutz - > far direction Eutin - > in Braak the Braaker mill way R - > briefly before crossing Gothendorf Gr. My village is appropriate for R in one lowers the current moorland lake bewachsene with high Schwarzerlen.

Bowl stones:
In the singular bowl stone of Bunshoh are beside numerous dished plates also hand and foot representations and a wheel cross in in accordance with ice ELT. Hands and feet sense-figurative in many indogermanischen religions the presence of the divinity.
Deckstein of a Megalithgrabes approximately from the time of 2500 to 2200 v. Chr. causes strange Kribbeln, if one puts the hands on it. The energies of the stone are to be felt clearly.
Description of way: A23 Hamburg - Itzehoe - > B204 to talking nonsense village - > R direction Bunsoh - > 2km behind talking nonsense village sign “Naturdenkmal bowl stone” to the superelevated round hill with the remainders of a stone ring.

” Red Maass”:
1964 were discovered nearby the Baltic Sea coast a Germanic cult place. A stone circle and several after the directions oriented square stone setting were opened. The stone circle of 10 m diameters consists of 9 Findlingen, surrounded by a number of fire places. Exactly in the center of the circle is a container with a head-large stone. Südl. on the stone circle a large square stone setting borders. Further square setting with stone-calm Zuwegen, threshold stones for locking these entrances, in fire layers found the remainders of burned timber constructions and a circumscription of the closely more beeinander lying circle and square setting point to a larger “unberkannte cult purposes serving” holy place from the time 2. to 4. Jhdt. n. Chr.
Description of way: A7 exit Rendsburg/Büdelsdorf - > B203 Eckernförde direction Kappeln - > direction Damp up to the Abweigung toward L - > far direction Schuby - > 1. Away after R - > L lies in the fields a Erlenwäldchen interspersed with firs in a damp lowers - > at the west edge of the Wäldchens along - > about 20 m before the size corner right into the forest inside up to the drainage channel - > on the other side one sees the stone setting.

Helgoland = Heiliglant:
pre-Christian cult place:
DIm area Schleswig/Flensburg gives it numerous examples of recognizability of pre-Christian cult places in connection with its place names: Thorsberg (=heiliger hill of the God Thor), Helligbek (= Heiligtum), Karr (= cult place, temple), Wonsdamm (= holy lake of the God Odin), Wieh (= geweihter cult place, cult place), Tieslund and Thiesholz (= holy Hain of the God Tyr). To the Gemarkung Thiesholz leads today still the “Thiesholzer way”.
Also with the island Helgoland gives it an agreement of cult place and theophorem place name. Helgoland (= holy country) is called still by Adam of Bremen “Heiliglant”. Helgoland the holy island Fositesland, the friesische Heiligtum of the God Fosite, the son Balders, the God of the harvest benediction and the peace is probable.
Particularly from the Vita of the holy Willibrord we know of the special ritual importance of this island, the large power of their sanctify around and their inviolability: “The place is venerably, excellent all sailors the pirates”.
Special admiration and protection enjoyed the source, from which one was allowed to only scoop being silent water.

Sacrifice-calibrate from Möhnsen:
An old village pond, in which already 1893 Opfergaben were discovered from the first after-Christian centuries. Around an upright standing cult column, a thick stake stump with stone packing - was deposited 15 to 20 tongefässe and circular oakwood trunks. The Schlägel used for hitting the trunks beside it one found. A rural population sacrificed parts of the harvest in the containers even as asking gift in the spring or as a thank victim in the autumn.
Description of way: Möhnsen in Lauenburg lies südl. the A24 Hamburg Berlin - > exit Schwarzenbek/Grande - > over cash castle after Möhnsen - > at the last house L at the road Möhnsen Basthorst is the old village pond.

Nordfriesi islands Föhr and Sylt:
Castle barriers:
In the center of the still received round barriers of the Tinnumburg on Sylt and the Lembecksburg on Föhr water places were obvious. On in the midst of former castle barrier lain by Archsum on Sylt today a new building settlement developed; only the street name “Borig” - friesisch for castle - reminds of the old place.
Settlements did not result from the castle barriers. They were not obvious also “primarily escape castles of a native population, their forces the plant of so enormous earth fortresses would by far have exceeded.” Now in the castle barriers the Umhegungen is assumed by holy places. The Flurname holy place with Archsum on Sylt (1769: “on hilligen Ohrt”) here a pre-Christian cult place lets assume in the older literature.
Description of way: Lembecksburg lies north of Borgsum on Föhr; the Tinnumburg well identifiable by the Südrand of Tinnum on Sylt.

Prove - a slawisches Heiligtum:
different findings, the slawische place name PUT lot (= at the forest), the Saxonian Flurname vienna mountain (= holy Hain), let assume that the slawische Hauptheiligtum of the God was “Prove here to Oldenburg”. The vienna mountain actually carries the only forest stand in far environment. And the people legend tells of underground courses and of the wild hunter of the vienna mountain.
Description of way: A1 Hamburg Luebeck Oldenburg - > size of Oldenburg is appropriate for PUT lot - > nördl. of it in the German Federal Armed Forces area (troop exercise area) the vienna mountain - > Bescihtigung possible according to previous agreement with the Kommandantur PUT lot.

Saxonia forest:
Bowl stones:
The Saxonia forest is called also” archaeological Schatzkästlein”. Far over thousand before-historical monuments and places of discovery in the protection of an age-old forest area kept here. Over one hundred bowl stones were discovered here. In the district desert village one - in the triangle - found a group of 3 bowl stones. With the largest Findlinge became on the surface 116 (!) Dished plate discovers. The stone was surrounded by a stone packing, between them scattered lay pieces of charcoal and a number of clay/tone container pieces of broken glass of the older Eisenzeit. These are interpreted as Opfergaben. 
Description of way: A24 - > exit Schwarzenbek/Grande - > B404 direction Schwarzenbek - > R, südl. from new cash castle, the former Försterei desert village - > R bend here - is appropriate > behind the forestry house area halfright for direction size is a bowl stone with particularly deep dished plates originals because of the discovery site. To this described group of bowl stones back on the B404, far direction Schwarzenbek, the 2. Waldweg L (after approx. 700m) - > after approx. 500 m is R an old Sandkuhle - > opposite (L) in the area of 3 bowl stones in the distance from approx. 30 M.

Is to be found succeeded some the holy places due to the settlements of the festländischen fishing rods. The victim place in the Hechtmoor was such Dorfheiligtum. About 20 m distant from a dry promontory a “platform” was from behauenen, lying woods, fastened with Heideplacken and loam, which of course-sharpened, perpendicularly into the soil to rammed stakes was supported in the small boiler moorland. Tongefässe (pieces of broken glass), Haselnüsse, flax and different wood devices were sunk from here in the centuries before Christi into the moorland. Opfergaben of a rural population in the context of the fertility rituals.
Description of way:A7 exit Tarp - > direction O to Satrup - > in Satrup after S - > Esmarksüderfeld (left on the forest parking lot park) - > at the house No. 6 R the way inside - > after approx. 500 m R the victim place lay.

” Thorsmoor”:
Victim place, which was before 2000 years one the largest and most important landscape fishing rods. The Zentralheiligtum of fishing rods. The cult place was geweiht the God Thor. Here over 500 years valuable Opfergaben were deposited. Also one of the oldest rune monuments of the Germanic world was to find here - hides attached - behind sign and sword.
Offering gifts between 100 v.Chr and 400 n.Chr were here:
Tongefässe, car parts, yard and furniture, later also weapons, parts of riding things, coins, golden rings and Zierscheiben with the picture of the Germanic God Tyr, a silbener face mask helmet and handle crown, noblest and most valuable parts of Tracht, decoration and armament. This Weihegaben lay in the center of the moorland basin most closely and decreased to the edge. Nearly all articles had been intentionally smashed before the resignation and cut bent, textiles, in order to extract it from the everyday use. The youngest finds are enough into the time of the Offasage and the drift beginning of the fishing rods to England - probably in Süderbrarup decided, their political and ritual center.
Description of way: A Hamburg Flensburg - > exit Schleswig/Schuby - > B201 to Süderbrarup - > briefly before local end of Süderbrarup on the right of a sign with reference to the lying victim moorland and guard stone” with more than 45 dished plates, high opposite the road lying grave hill “Kummerhy” with a small stone circle around a rune stone in the center and a 2m the “.

” holy source”:
The source, which is appropriate for 700 m east the Thorsberger of moorland, is heut still called “holy source”. It is told that the market at the beginning of of August - to Jacobi - decreases/goes back to the Wallfahrten of the heidnischen pilgrims from far on. Fire places and pieces of broken glass in the environment of the source originate from the time before the Christianisierung.
The water was recognized as weakly radioactive, what in a certain dose welfare-end works. The water is phasenweise triumphs - coins are to be however always found in the source verge, which were laid down in more recent time.
Description of way: of the Thorsberger moorland of briefly far direction Norderbrarup - > R the road “at the Thorsberg” along - > L into the brook route, again L into the pouring route - > R equal beside the open-rir swimming pool lies the set in today still flowing “holy source”.

Cult place forest Hanheide:
In the beech timber forest of the forest Hanheide an expanded cult area lies. Dated on the earlier Eisenzeit. 40 bowl stones are noted together with some stone rows in the land survey! Unfortunately they are today over-grow with Moos and with leaves covered, so that they are to be found difficult today.
Directly at the edge of the vermoorten source area of the Bille however still clearly a circular cult place of 6,5 m diameters is to be constituted. The artificially gradened surface is limited of a medium-high stone barrier. The large stones are protected by stone packings against the Umstürzen. A broadly nicked Furchenstein, surrounded by a Steinpflasterrung, is merged into the stone circle.
From here sizes stand still 2 further stones in a line. These were kept upright again by stone packings. Exactly N of the center of the cult plant is in approx. 60 m distance a further upright standing stone in a stone packing.
Description of way: A24 Hamburg Berlin - > exit Witzhave - > direction Trittau - > behind Trittau (after Mölln) L a stone plaster way leads after Hehenfelde - > briefly before the local entrance sign high field R park recessing with heaps of stone - > L of the road, lies the source area of the Bille - > at the two stones chase 40 and 21 - at its edge one finds the stone setting (of the park recessing a few steps back with stone 34 into the forest go in.)

Moorland victim place:
Several victim places were found when peat stinging in the Flachmoor. The 20 terrinenartigen containers served as the admission of the offering gifts.  In Scandinavia by chemical analyses more comparably at cult places of found tongefässe animal fats were proven.
The moorland containers stood in a Umhegung of Flechtzäunen, at which numerous cult horns were deposited. Between wood packings and conical earth hills fire places were put on. Over many generations humans came around their Gods to admire again and again or their spirit swear to at the Weeser victim moorland.
Description of way: A7 exit Harrislee - > Flensburg B199 direction Kappeln - > R into a dirt road bend (where L the way after Wees leads) - > after approx. 100 m a bridge over the brook - > behind it the victim places are to be found.