
 Force places and cult places in NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA in GERMANY

Achen Kornelimünster:
Three gallorömische handling temples - as successors of the celtic open air religion. After an extension of the temple the inner walls were multicolored painted. The further discovered buildings point on a larger plant, on the central Stammesheiligtum of the keltisch--Germanic Sunuci, where - as a fertility goddess represented - the native Sunuxal was admired.
Description of way: From Achen on B258 direction Kornelimünster - > on the old stone route direction Breinig - > 100 m links-> is here a sloping high surface, which calls itself “plaques”. The temple district is opened.

Stone circle:
A geometrically exact circle from 18 stonesfrom 2000 v. Chr. with a nineteenth outside of the circle on one with white thorn and game rose hedges fenced small plateau near the Rhine bank.  One researched and sees there: geographical and astronomical lines, to which the stones refer “with more dismaying” accuracy, were recognized:
Stone 3 to the sunrise to the summer solstice
Stone 6 to the winter sun turn
Stone 7 on the kite rock
Stone 15 on Bonn Münster etc.
The stone circle is compared with the circle on the worm mountain by brown situation.
Stone 11 points on 33 km removed Michelsberg, on which 4000 years old pieces of broken glass were found. Those once meal mountain hill mentioned served for many centuries the high court the cathedral Eifel as assembly place. Since that 9. Jhdt. “Cult place of the ore gel Michael”, as it means at the entrance of the barrier travel chapel on the summit. By the Aachener Münster out comes up the sun to the winter sunning turn over the Michelsberg.
Description of way: Between Bonn and king winter right of the Rhine the plateau up, east of Oberdollendorf (footpath by the vineyards).
Barrier travel chapel: STARTING FROM cross Meckenheim (A61 with A565), B257 to Altenahr, direction W up to the Michelsberg.

Nice home:
On the hill “Görresburg” embedded in fields and meadows, with a marvelous view over the Eifel, extends the opened holy district with the remainders of several buildings of cults. These are surrounded by a surrounding wall.
A place where the Matronae Aufaniae was admired, three keltisch--Germanic Muttergöttinnen, whose cult was common in the Rhine country furthest.
, From an earlier phase sanctify around, a umhegter tree in the center of the cult place is assumed also here. 
Description of way: see Zingsheim

Nideggen evenings:
The temple district was unfortunately filled up 1983 due to the concern before “savages Buddelei” again!
Underground the Matronenheiligtum is still completely present (!) and awaits to an excavation.
In the forest from evenings remarkably many prähistorische bowl stones, in addition several rock aggravations at that north sanctify around the lying Hondjesberg, are northeast central mountain and the Kuhlenbusch, which are dated however to a large extent into the modern times.
Description of way: A1 Cologne bright home exit STARTING FROM cross Euskirchen and/or Zülpich - > B265 over mountain to Nideggen, evenings. At a Waldweg on a slope dropping easily to the west to the Rur, from evenings they find the filled up temple district southeast to the “Kirchbusch”.

Matronenheiligtum of Pesch:
holy Tree,  well, heath temple
The place is still called “to the heath temple”! A legend reports that in the depth of the well at the Christian night at 12 o'clock a Glöcklein rings. (It acts thereby approximately around memories of the celebrations, those in the “nut/mother eight” celebrated itself there?)
The Matronae, keltisch--Germanic Muttergöttinnen, which became the fertility of the soil, which segneten herd and humans, in Pesch dear. Possibly a development from age-old mother cult of the Cologne bay developed from the admiration of holy goats.
The tree representations on the Matronensteinen give referring to the special ritual admiration of the tree, to an older form of the Matronenkultes, in which the divinities of the trees were admired, in holy Hainen. An open range the center of the plant umfriedeter with a fence was original; in its center an oak is assumed.
In the 1. Jhdt. in Pesch a temple plant with accommodations for priests was established/inside and pilgrims. At this time a long covered change course surrounded the open Festplatz, on which Prozessionen and ritual meetings took place. Also the smallasiatic “large God nut/mother” Kybele was admired later here, until the Heiligtum in 5. Jhdt. one destroyed.
Description of way: see Zingsheim

” Before deer mountain” the plot is called, in which foundations of a gallo Roman handling temple were found.
After Roman occupation the Celts had taken over architecture and building method - in stone - the conquerer. By the gallischen temple with its open handling however still became the environment, which included nature into the ritual actions also. The full expansion sanctify around is unfortunately unknown. A threeness of native nut/mother divinities, the Matronae Fachinehae, an obviously locally limited cult was admired. Near the temple a source rose.
Description of way: A1 Cologne bright home - > exit nice home. A short piece of L on the B477 (direction S); then again L direction Nöthen/bath the cathedral Eifel toward Pesch. R of the road Pesch Nöthen is appropriate the “heath temple” for Pesch (of the parking lot the footpath the wooded hill up).
To Zingsheim you come from Pesch back to Zingsheim. Briefly behind Zingsheim on the road after nice home left into the dirt road with the Hinweistafel “Roman temple” bend. Then follow the small boards “archaeological monument”.
To nice home you come from Zingsheim through nice home driven - completely drive up > the hill rising after SW - > on the plot Görresburg are appropriate for R the restored wall remainders sanctify around.

Bath Driburg Alhausen:
In the Ulenstein a earlyhistorical-Germanic cult place is assumed. The rock column is regarded as blood gutter and its platform as victim place.
Description of way: Detmold direction bath Driburg - > in Reelsen L direction Alhausen - > before Alhausen is to R briefly because of the edge of way a mill - diagonally drive > in relation to the geteerten way easily uphill direction farm - > R on the crest bewachsenen with elder and wild roses lies the only 3.5 m high rock, surrounded by old beeches.

Burner mountain at the sneezing valley:
Bowl stones, grave hill, source:
Devil and witch stone
are called underneath way of edge of forest lying flat stone.
50 m nördl. a “arranging stone” lies, which carries 70 dished plates, which are artificially eingetieft in certain rows. Finds of before-historical pieces of broken glass beside it.
Because of the slope of the burner mountain a whole bowl stone row, on both sides, is an artificial Terrassierung, on the highest point a source, flat of it, as hollow recognizably. On both sides ever a grave hill.
It probably concerns a ritual district.
Description of way:Horn bath my mountain on the B239 direction O - > from Schieder direction Schwalenberg to Brakelsiek - > of far up to the sneezing valley - > the way R for instance 100m uphill, then again L - > after for instance 500m straight lines way parallel to the sneezing valley - > underneath the “devil stone” - > R in the rising slope the bowl stones - > 350m nö the source hollow.

Bruchhauser of stones:
4 powerful rock towers on the hill of the Istenbergs.
Like the external stones also the Bruchhauser is stones nature and cultural monument. Feldstein, Ravenstein, fount stone (on its summits a source) and Goldstein form those for cornerstone. The stone barriers and the lying in front of it ditches join everything to an before-historical barrier plant.
A protected “rendevous point at a Felsheiligtum” is assumed from that 6. to 2. Jhdt. v. Chr. Comparably with the Heiligtümern on the highest mountains, well-known from the antique one.
It was even assumed that the famous Heiligtum of the Tamfana mentioned with Tacitus is to be searched here.
Description of way: B7 Meschede direction Brilon - > in Altenbüren to the south B480 - > Olsberg, break living - contactor-resounds here > up to - > in the protected area nö of break living lie the 4 rock towers.

Cult caves:
The entire Hönnetal appears to the visitor like a “throat to the earth”, a large cult area with 25 (!) Cult caves, an enormous temple area. It becomes compared to the valley of Delphi.
In the Karhofcave when people ring living in fire places people bones were found, which were to a large extent carved up and lay in disorder with clay/tone pieces of broken glass.
Description of way: A44 Dortmund Soest direction S - > A445 exit Neheim --> town hall square direction W - > stove rings, felling trees, Albringen. Briefly before the road of Albringen on the B515 on the left of a park recessing. Up of it on half height of the rock formation are the 4 entrances of the Karhofhöhle, which form a whole Höhlensystem. Carry (attention forward cave very narrowly, slippery and flashlight)

For instance 500m north, the B515 along lies the straining cave (a looking cave - the original entrance lay above the current)

North of it the corpse cave or grave cave, a typical cave victim place lies. In 5 Jhdt. v.Chr here victim meals took place. Finds: Stove place with charcoal, pots, roasted grain, human thighs and Kiefer, parts of 12 heads, 12 Fingerglieder and 400 menschl. And people bone works on teeth, decoration.

1 km north, on the west side of the B515, over the stone bridge, opposite the “seven virgins”, lies the field yard cave. (Layout plan at the parking lot with “house of Recke”).

Underneath the castle Klusenstein, on which one can see from the field yard cave, extends the well accessible castle cave. In the large resounds within the range of a fire place human teeth and head parts over 60 Spinnwirteln were also found. As dwelling of a Priesterin or point woman the cave one interpreted.

For instance 14km sorth the Karhofcave discovers one the Balver cave (out-described in Balve). (Meanwhile here skirt concerts and cultural meetings take place).

The Bilsteincave with Warstein, circle Soest is also a looking cave, but the view into the deep pit, in which the underworld river rushes, gives an idea of the meaning of the underground sources and rivers for our oldfront to us: In order to come to the Holden, into the lap of the nut/mother earth, one had always only by the water. (B55 von Meschede to Warstein - > road of Warstein after deer mountain - > after 2 km on the left of way to the Bilsteinhöhle).

East of Warstein lies the well accessible cave hollow stone with Kallenhardt. (of Warstein after Kallenhardt - > in Kallenhardt follow the way southward up to the moving parking lot.) here beside decoration, people and animal bones, were found spinnwirtelähnliche articles from bones in the connecting corridor between the two chambers a human skeleton with decoration-added with which it will concern alive immured humans.

External stones:
One the most well-known and usually frequented cult place in Germany.
Description of way: Of Dortmund on B! over Soest, Paderborn after horn. Sign-posting and enormous parking lot. Max. one 3 hr. duration of stopover. Up to 50000 visitors/day on “good” days.

Leistruper forest:
Stone setting:
The Hain, which belongs to the large holy district of the external stones, is seen to 5 km in the Leistruper forest lying north. Stone rows, hufeisenförmige stone setting and “Opfersteine” rock blocks mentioned, by which one can still recognize traces of treatment, are still “unsettled” in their meaning.
The straight stone rows ran parallel next to each other and can be compared with the bretonischen “Alignements”.
Description of way: Parking lot of external stones the road L direction Detmold - > horn old village R to Diestelbruch - > here R the Leistruper forest road up to the forest cafe - > parks. Behind the forest cafe east follow the dirt road at the edge of forest for instance 400m - > R in the forest are Opfersteine - > südl. the stone setting.

Soest Ardey:
Germanic victim place:
9 triumphing sources form a small pond, whose water possesses a peculiarness: Never becomes it clouds
, but always remains “kristallklar”. Thus it is located still in a report from 1938. Due to the “civilization” unfortunately nothing more remaining. At the end of a small promontory, which extended in former times into the pond, one discovered find property which can be explained (tongefässe and animal bone) roughly behauene into the pond reason driven oak stakes and as Opfergaben.
Description of way: A44 Dortmund Soest - > west edge of Soest on the area of the school center - > direction hauptschule on the right of a small footpath - > on the back of the farm.